18 Powerful Tools & Techniques to help you SELL More so that you can EARN More!!
"By the way, the toughest sale of all is not selling to customers or even raising capital from investors. The toughest sale is selling you to yourself. Selling yourself on overcoming that doubting "Little Voice" in your head that talks you out of things, procrastinates goals, and even sabotages you at the worst time. Barry Mitchell's book is critical for showing you how to sell and how to get everyone on your team to sell. It's not about a bunch of slick techniques or fancy strategies. It's about the basic premise of finding out what people want and giving it to them. It's about instilling confidence in yourself and others, learning how to master the most important skill in business... the ability to sell".
Blair Singer - bestselling author of SalesDogs, Team Code of Honor, Little Voice™ Mastery and Rich Dad Advisor
"I sold my way back. Sales = Income
If you can sell you can earn.
If you can earn you can live.
If you can earn well you can live well